The greening of a city or a neighborhood has many benefits

It reduces heat islands, improves air and water quality, protects human biodiversity and improves cleanliness.

But greening also has unexpected positive social impacts : it can promote social cohesion and make the living environment safer.

The greening of a city or a neighborhood has many benefits

It reduces heat islands, improves air and water quality, protects human biodiversity and improves cleanliness.

But greening also has unsuspected positive social impacts. It can promote the social cohesion of a community or make the living environment safer.

The éco-quartier in 2024...

flowers, fine herbs and vegetable plants distributed to citizens
kg of vegetables harvested
plants distributed to tree squares adopters

The services offered by the éco-quartier...

Green alleys

A green alley is the result of the mobilization of a committee of citizens and their éco-quartier. By getting involved, citizens take charge of their alley and make it a safe, beautiful and pleasant place to live.

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Tree squares

You don’t need a garden to become a gardener: adopt a tree patch in your front yard! The adopt-a-tree-patch project is a way to brighten up the Peter McGill district, while giving the tree patch special care through planting, cleaning and watering. Adoptions usually take place in the spring.

Seed library

Throughout the year, organic vegetable and flower seeds are offered for free to neighbourhood residents. We also offer opportunities to exchange flower and edible plant seeds.

Come and see us at the éco-quartier!

Flower distribution

Each spring, the borough offers annual flowers and herbs to beautify your balcony or garden. Citizen groups and organizations can register in advance to reserve flowers.

Follow us on social media to stay informed of the latest events!

Tree planting

Attractive, depolluting and biodiversity-friendly, trees have the greatest impact on the quality of life in the city. Through the program A Tree for My Neighborhood we offer you trees that are well adapted to the specific conditions of the city at a reduced price. Two deliveries are planned each year: in the spring and in the fall.


Follow us on social media to stay informed of the latest events!

Green alleys

A green alley is the result of the mobilization of a committee of citizens and their éco-quartier. By getting involved, citizens take charge of their alley and make it a safe, beautiful and pleasant place to live. 

Tree squares

You don’t need a garden to become a gardener: adopt a tree patch in your front yard! The adopt-a-tree-patch project is a way to brighten up the Peter McGill district, while giving the tree patch special care through planting, cleaning and watering. Adoptions usually take place in the spring.

Seed Library

Throughout the year, organic vegetable and flower seeds are offered for free to neighbourhood residents. We also offer opportunities to exchange flower and edible plant seeds.

Come and see us at the éco-quartier!

Flower distribution

Each spring, the borough offers annual flowers and herbs to beautify your balcony or garden. Citizen groups and organizations can register in advance to reserve flowers.

Follow us on social media to stay informed of the latest events!

Tree planting

Attractive, depolluting and biodiversity-friendly, trees have the greatest impact on the quality of life in the city. Through the program A Tree for My Neighborhood we offer you trees that are well adapted to the specific conditions of the city at a reduced price. Two deliveries are planned each year: in the spring and in the fall.

Follow us on social media to stay informed of the latest events!

Painting murals

The eco-quartier is carrying out mural projects in the Peter-McGill district, with a desire to work towards urban embellishment and the creation of spaces for artistic and collective expression.

These projects are carried out in close collaboration with local artists and organizations.

©Sollicité - Éco-quartier Ville-Marie de Peter-McGill