Commonly used conventional de-icing salts have very negative impacts on the environment. They build up in large amounts in the snow cleared from our streets and lead to an increase in the salinity of meltwater and groundwater. Many salts and non-skid sands also contain toxic anti-caking agents, such as silica dust. All this makes these products very harmful to plants, animals and even small children.
As always, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of … salt! Clearing snow as soon as possible is still the best way of preventing ice buildup.
Although they aren’t ideal, abrasives (sand and gravel) are less environmentally damaging than salts. That being said, major retailers that sell such products are also offering more and more environmentally friendly alternatives, both abrasives and de-icers, that work in a wide temperature range.
You can also try out some homemade solutions:
- Spread some coffee grounds or birdseed on less slippery surfaces to prevent skidding.
Sugar beet juice used to be used as a de-icer in rural Quebec. Above a certain temperature, it acts by lowering the feezing point of water. Over larger surfaces, it is used in combination with a de-icing salt.