Composting or making use of food waste another way to reduce GHG emissions

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to give new life to your food waste?

There are 5 community composting sites in Peter-McGill district. There may be one near you!

To take part, you need to register with Éco-quartier Peter-McGill: – Make an appointment with project leader Clara Charest-Marcotte. – There is a fee of $15 when you register and an annual fee of $5. – You will be given a briefing when you register and there will be training at the site as well, usually around one week after registration (to allow enough food waste to accumulate).

This is a community program, so you will be expected to do your bit, not just by contributing compostable waste but also by putting your shoulder to the wheel, i.e. by using the tools available to aerate the waste matter every time you go to the site.
Participants will also be asked to help gather and screen the mature compost once or twice a year.

Did you know?

  • Once your food waste is deposited in a composter, it turns into compost, a living substance that resembles earth, containing good bacteria, fungi and micro-organisms and helping to build up the soil and increase its ability to absorb and retain water.
  • Food waste that is sent to landfill also decomposes, but the chemical process involved is different because of the lack of oxygen. This process releases methane gas and actually contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and produces liquids (called leachate or garbage juice) that pollute soils and groundwater.

INFORMATION : To register for the community composters or to receive training on vermicomposting, contact Clara Charest-Marcotte at | 514 933-1069

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