Here are some simple composting tips to help improve food waste collection.
Newspaper, your new friend
Summer and winter, it is important to alternate moist matter (food waste) and dry matter (with a cellulose fiber base, such as newspaper, paper towels or used tissues). Wrap meat or fish scraps in newspaper and line the bottom of your compost bin with a sheet of newspaper. This will serve to absorb any liquids, keep down odours and prevent food waste from freezing and sticking to the sides of your bin.
Keep unwelcome visitors away
If you discover unwelcome visitors, here are the best ways of getting rid of them:
- Fruit flies
Pour baking soda into your bin.
- White grubs
Pour salt or vinegar directly onto the white grubs and store scraps of raw meat, poultry or fish in a cool place.
Apply a pungent product to the lid of the bin, such as cough syrup, essential oil of peppermint or cayenne pepper. Make sure the contents of your bin are hard to reach (properly sealed lid, bin located away from fences or other items on which animals can perch, secured with a bungee, etc.).
In any case, putting out your brown bin for collection every week (regardless of how much compostable waste it contains) and cleaning your bin with water and white vinegar or a gentle detergent are simple ways of making life easier for everyone!
Learn more about food waste collection in Ville-Marie borough (french only)