Community composting in the neighbourhood


Clara the manager of the project 3RV (reduction, reuse, recycling, valorization) went to fix the district’s community composting for what we wish to be the last time!

In order to ensure the security of the participants in community composting, Clara took screws, a saw and some other tools to repair the community composters on Seymour and Lucien-L’Allier streets. In addition of the ones in Versailles garden. Awaiting the replacement of the other composters, Clara continue to take care of her precious wooden boxes.

After 10 years of good and loyal service, the neighborhood’s community composters will be replaced by brand new ones made by the borough of Ville-Marie. The composter in Percy-Walters Park has already been replaced due to the construction work in the park.

Are you looking forward to discover the new community composters ?

Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting Community composting

Necessary maintenance

Over the years and due to bad weather conditions, the wood of community composters, constantly exposed to humidity, has softened. Also due to normal or even sometimes improper use, because some people sit or even sleep on the composters, their screws become looser and some of their boards can come off or break leaving naked screws on which makes the composters less safe. When a composter breaks, some people see it as an opportunity to throw their waste (bags of canine excrements, hot beverage cups, chips bags…) in it, which transforms the composter into a trash can.

If during one of your visits you realize that the community composter is not safe or that there is any kind of problem, don’t hesitate to call the éco-quartier to notify us and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.


Divert your compostable materials from the landfill

The community composters of the éco-quartier Peter-McGill allows food residues to avoid being transported for hundreds of kilometres to be burried. In addition, the participants can retrieve compost produced by their own residual materials !

If you want to reach one of the district’s five community composting sites or you simply wish to obtain information on the subject of community composting, don’t hesitate to contact éco-quartier.


Free training on composting

Clara also offers a course next month on the subject, on Wednesday 14 august from 6pm to 7pm, called : ”Le compost : les différentes alternatives”. The course will take place at éco-quartier.


For more information or for subscription :

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to subscribe to community composting or the course.

Address: 1240,Saint-Marc street. We are open from Monday to Thursday from 10am to 6pm.

Phone number: (514) 933-1069



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