This year, National Sweater Day falls on Tuesday, February 5th. National Sweater Day is an annual awareness event organized by the Canadian section of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). On that day, the WWF calls on all citizens to lower their thermostats by 2° C at home, at school and at work so as to […]
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Éco-quartier McGill wishes you a happy holiday season !
We would like to thank our partners, the residents of the Peter-McGill district and especially our volunteers for their help with all the projects Éco-quartier Peter-McGill has carried out. We could not have achieved all we did throughout the year without your support! We hope to see you all next year and look forward to […]
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“Titi sapin”, an eco-friendly solution for Christmas
These miniature fir trees are locally grown in pots, without chemicals. You can “adopt” one for the holiday season and place it on your doorstep as a festive way to greet your guests. If you leave your Titi Sapin tree outside, it will live until the spring and you can then plant it in your […]
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The seed bank needs you!
In 2017, Éco-quartier Peter-McGill began setting up a community seed library available to all local residents. The library operates on the basis of the honour system and barter, and is simple to use. Residents can borrow seeds in the springtime and grow the vegetables, herbs or flower they want. In exchange, at the end of […]
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A zero waste solution to wine
Since the post-war boom years, packaging has been growing ever bulkier. Nowadays, consumers seek more virtuous modes of consumption and distribution, for both economic and environmental reasons. More and more options are now available. With the holiday season almost upon us, we’ve asked ourselves how consumers can enjoy wine or spirits without generating waste. Help […]
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Vermicomposting, a convenient solution
This year, community composters in Peter McGill district will stay open throughout the winter. However, if you can’t face tramping through the snow to deliver your organic waste, why not compost it in the comfort of your own home? Vermicomposting allows you to dispose of your organic waste in your home or office all year […]
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Conference on the Environment:
Moving forward in uncertain times: the future of our environment To mark its 20th anniversary, the McGill School of Environment is organizing a free public conference on the environment on October 12 at 5:30pm at Moyse Hall. Guest speaker Gina McCarthy is the former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where she served under President Obama. She […]
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Celebrate Halloween without frightening the planet!
Halloween is fun for the young and the young at heart. Unfortunately, some of what we do on this popular holiday ends up causing a fair amount of waste. Here are some tips and (harmless!) tricks that will help you reduce your environmental impact while still having fun: Instead of handing out candy in little […]
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Organize a cleanup
Every fall, Éco-quartier Peter-McGill encourages area residents to clean up their alleys and courtyards or the sidewalk in front of their homes. Get in touch with us! Our team can help you with your activity and can lend you tools at no cost: brooms, dust pans, pliers, garbage bags, wheelbarrows, shovels, gloves, T-shirts, leaf bags, […]
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Green Waste Collection
Green waste is collected in the spring and fall. Green waste must be left at the curb in the same location as household waste, between 5 and 8am on collection day. Accepted waste includes dead leaves, garden stubble as well as conifer and cedar hedge trimmings (these must be tied in bundles 50 cm wide […]
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