Mount Royal Awareness Kiosk


The sun is shining above a greener mountain ! On the occasion of the 28th Mount-Royal’Chore, more than 400 volunteers have picked up 50 trash bags, 8 recycling bags, and 15 bags of valuable materials. A huge THANK YOU to all the volunteers came to clean the mountain for their great energy. At the end of this immense action of property, éco-quartier Peter McGill organised an awareness kiosk to enable volunteers and citizens visiting, to learn more about waste management and trash revival.
The participation of citizens to the collects is paramount to reach a better management of our residual materials and the costs attached to them. That is why we all must collaborate, at home and at work, by adapting our waste sorting habits which are at source of residual materials. The ways that must be prioritised are of course the use of the green tray for recyclable materials and the brown tray for organic materials. The black tray will thus represent the ultimate destination of a very low amount of trash that cannot find a useful second life. Still necessary to know what goes where.


In order for the participants to test their knowledges in this area, éco-quartier has made available “the sorting game”.

The sorting game is an educational tool that allows young people as well as older people to test their knowledges in terms of sorting.
There are a lot of objects that serve us as discussion supports, and that allow us at the end of the game to bring additional information, about the recycling of cigarettes ends thanks to the deposit box, or also the existence of communal compost sites for citizens who aren’t implanted by the collect of food waste.


Éco-quartier has also distributed various awareness leaflets.


Among those which have the most resonated next to the citizens, there had the leaflet about collects.

The leaflet about the collects has been delivered to the participants in order to inform them about management modes that must be prioritised for each type of residual materials that they generate.
Available at any time at éco-quartier Peter McGill, this leaflet is a little wealth of information. We can find all typologies of objects and foods, as well as the most ecological way to dispose it, according to the collects offered by Montreal city.



A tool that has also been very popular to the citizens is the no-circular sticker.

If you never read your circulars and they end up right away in your recycling tray, why don’t you stop receiving them ? The simple act of affixing a sticker on your mailbox will allow you to stop receiving publicity like publibag and thus avoid generating waste. You can also come and take freely your « no circulars » sticker at our offices in order to stop receiving circulars in your mailbox.

The no circular sticker enables to reduce wastes at source. By the implementation of the “3 RV-E principle”, the first “R” of reduction is the most efficient about the resources. Reduce the use of paper allows to save money, energy and forest resources.


Another tool that turned out to be very popular is the guide to reduce and live better.

This leaflet is an introduction to zero waste. Within this slip, you’ll find advices to reconsider your life habits. The idea is to go one step at a time. Some people address it one room at a time: kitchen, bathroom… Whereas other address it one item at a time (soap, laundry, washable tissue…) Therefore, this thematic guide is there to support you in your initiative of reducing at source.



Multiple people have also appreciated to be able to get a keychain that contains dogs’ droppings bags.

This little object also available at the eco-quartier and freely distributed has allowed us to remind dog owners that when the bags are full of animals wastes, they must be dropped in a bin.


Finally, several people have also showed interest to the idea of subscribing to Équiterre’s baskets of organic vegetables.

mount-royal-kiosk-management-reduction-waste-organic-basket mount-royal-awareness-kiosk-management-reduction-waste-organic-basket

Baskets of organic fruits and vegetables allow to eat healthy at a better cost. Indeed, the baskets are 100% organic so without pesticides. They also enable to encourage a sustainable agriculture and to support local farmers.
Éco-quartier Peter McGill is part of numerous spots of collection of organic vegetables’ baskets.

There are a few places left to subscribe. Hurry up !

If you would like to get one these pamphlets, go to Éco-quartier Peter McGill at 1240 St Marc’ street.

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