The concept is simple: you mount a specially designed hook outside your home and hang your bag of returnable containers from it.
There are close to 2000 pickers in Montreal who go through our garbage bins in order to salvage beer and pop bottles and cans.
To make it easier for them, the Coop Les Valoristes has developed a locally manufactured stainless steel hook on which you can conveniently hang your bags of returnable containers.
By helping Les Valoristes to collect returnable containers, you reduce your environmental footprint while foster respect for and protecting the dignity of persons living in poverty.
A simple hook can make a definite environmental and social difference in your community. Glass containers that are put out for recycling often break and thus contaminate other recyclables.
By reducing the quantity of glass in your recycling bin, you improve the success of recycling efforts. The bottle and can deposit system works well: 100% of collected returnable containers are sorted and recycled; a single glass bottle can be washed and reused up to 15 times.