The seed bank needs you!


In 2017, Éco-quartier Peter-McGill began setting up a community seed library available to all local residents.

The library operates on the basis of the honour system and barter, and is simple to use. Residents can borrow seeds in the springtime and grow the vegetables, herbs or flower they want. In exchange, at the end of the growing season, they replenish the library by donating seeds harvested from the plants they have grown. In addition to offering gardeners in Peter-McGill district a wide range of seeds free of charge, the seed library seeks to protect biodiversity and preserve Montreal’s plant heritage, with varieties adapted to local growing conditions. The success of this venture depends on you!

HOW CAN YOU TAKE PART? Be generous with your surplus seeds!

To enrich the Éco-quartier Peter-McGill seed library and offer local gardeners a wide range of native seed options, we invite you to be generous in giving us your surplus seeds. Get involved! Éco-quartier is looking for meticulous volunteers who can sort and inventory a large quantity of seeds.


November and December 2018

Monday and/or Wednesday

Between 10am and 5pm


Éco-quartier Peter-McGill, 1240 St-Marc Street

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